We stayed in the house for 3 days! |
So this week was crazy again! On Thursday we had the third eruption of the Volcan Calbuco. To answer your questions. I live REALLY close the the volcano. There isn't a river that seperates us. It is 20 km from our area. (not sure how far that really is but that is what everyone says)
We had LOTS of ash this week. We are blessed though because it hasn't been as bad in other areas. But this week I felt like a vacation in the mission. We were inside for 3 days just watching church movies because we couldn't do anything else. It was horrible because then I was thinking about my FAMILY and imaging this BEAUTIFUL wedding that my brother is going to have. haha. But don't worry I have been fasting and praying and I am trying to stay focused.
On Monday the Santana family invited us over for their family home evening it was amazing! They taught US the plan of salvation with another investigator. It was really a humbling to see them teach us!
MIRACLE this week was with one investigator, Belen. She is from Punta Arenas (bottom of the world) anyways I am not sure if I have told you guys about her but she is AMAZING! She stopped us in the taxi and asked if we could come to her house to teach her. Well we have been teaching her lots. She CAME to church and she also wanted to see the baptism font because she wants to get baptized!!! MIRACLE!! Only thing is that she smokes a TON. During our lessons she had to go out and smoke. It is super awkward because we are trying to help her set goals but she feels like she can't do it sometimes. I didn't realize how much missionary work takes out of you physically. I am exhausted but I LOVE the work. It has rained lots this weekend so the ashes should be all cleared up now. We just have to pray there isn't another volcano erruption! haha.
Update on Daniela and Julio!! We finally had permission to leave our house so we went and visted them and they told us they are going to get married!! I told them that my brother is getting married and I won't be able to be there and they just got so sad and I asked if I could go to their wedding and they told me NO! haha, but they were just kidding. They told me I can help plan their wedding! Which is perfect because I will be an expert by the time I finally get married....not like I am thinking about Marriage! Don't worry!! haha
Well I cannot wait to Facetime my family and to talk to my beautiful family this Sunday. I am so grateful for everyone and their prayers. Now we just have to be careful that we don't get robbed like the sisters in Northern Chile! We are trying to be very careful now with our house. I live with 3 other sisters so we are being very careful. I know that Heavenly Father is protecting us!
Have a great week!!
Hermana McClary
We are blessed to have RAIN! |
We just had the volcano! |
The sky is getting clearer! |